October 18, 2024

11 Handy Tips If You’re Planning To Move In The Summer

Annually, around 40 million people relocate to another town, city, or state in the US. And typically, they choose their moving day somewhere in late summer and spring. So if you’re moving and planning to do it during the summer season, you have to be extra mindful — from checking the availability of moving companies northern Virginia to keeping yourself and your things safe under the scorching heat of the sun.

Here are 11 handy tips to help you out on your move during this time.

Plan ahead. Summer is one of the peak seasons for relocating. Therefore, it is only practical to do things in advance. Create a comprehensive timeline and checklist of the things you must need to accomplish for your big move.

Book moving professionals early. Professional moving companies northern Virginia are busy during the summer season. If you will hire their services (which we recommend you should be — because moving in summer can be quite the hassle), make sure to book your preferred company in advance.

Watch the weather conditions. Whether it’s going to be extremely hot outside or there’s an anticipated summer rain, you have to be vigilant about the weather condition.

Pack your things thoroughly and safely. Sorting your things out (from which ones you’ll keep and you’ll get rid of, to which one will be packed in the same box) is one of the most challenging parts of relocating. When packing make sure to safeguard your belongings and label your boxes accordingly.

Take a break. As you may get easily tired due to the hot weather, keep in mind that you deserve a break. Avoid overworking yourself by setting aside ample time for your pre-moving day tasks.

Load summer supplies in the car. On the day of your move, moving companies northern Virginia recommend keeping your summer essentials (e.g. Water, sunscreen, portable fans, extra clothes) in a separate bag, which you need to bring along with you in your car.

Wear the right clothing. Also, make sure to wear comfortable and weather-appropriate clothing during your big move. You might not want to soak in sweat or let your clothes restrict you from moving freely when relocating.

Stay cool and hydrated. The summer heat can be too unbearable. Beat the weather and stay fresh and hydrated while moving into your new place. As mentioned, keep items like bottled waters and portable fans within reach.

Apply sunscreen. Of course, you want your move to be as stress-free as possible. Part of the things you must do is to take care of yourself — protect your skin from harmful radiation from the sun by applying sunscreen.

Turn on utilities before the move. Have a trusted person or have the landlady of your new place turn on the utilities (specifically, the air conditioning unit) before you arrive. This will help cool your new home, making it more comfortable for you and your movers to unpack.

Have a positive attitude. Moving can be daunting. Add the hot weather to the mix, and you’ll have all the reasons to feel stressed out. This is why it’s important to maintain a positive attitude — something that is truly helpful during the moving process and beyond.

Mi-Box is one of the most trusted moving companies northern Virginia. We offer efficient and affordable moving solutions for home and business owners. Contact us today for more information!