October 18, 2024

What type of grass should you use on the lawn

The lawn is mostly composed of a mixture of grasses, but not just any. These must have fine and short leaves and tracing roots in order to create a beautiful green carpet quickly. All these grasses do not have the same assets, so it is better to know them to determine for sure which mixture will be made to stick to your needs (ornament, games) but also the climate of your region.

Grasses Specific To Each Function Of The Lawn

To get the lawn of your dreams, you have to look at the seed pack or learn about the plants when the grass is sold in rolls. The nature of the mixture will determine the use that can be made of the lawn.

Sheep-hard fescue, red grass fescue, and semi-tracery red fescue produce very beautiful and fine turf but do not support trampling and require regular watering and mowing.

The creeping red fescue is more shade tolerant than other varieties of fescue, and it gives a turf that stays green for a long time but does not stand up well to trampling.

Tall fescue adapts to almost any situation, supports both excess water and drought, and is resistant to trampling and disease.

Ryegrass provides a Cesped para cancha de futbol that is resistant to trampling, remaining green in winter, and tolerating even light shade.

Kentucky bluegrass is often used for lawns dedicated to outdoor activities because it is very dense, perfectly supports trampling and tearing.

The Simplest Case: The Grass Cover

As its name indicates, this lawn only serves to cover aesthetically an area of land to not leave it naked. It has no ornamental vocation and should consist of vigorous grasses such as cesped artificial, fescue that are resistant to difficult conditions, and in most regions.

The Lawn Dedicated To Outdoor Activities

Dog walking, children’s games, picnic on the grass, are all activities that can be practiced on a lawn. The choice will then be cesped sintetico species that are resistant to trampling.